
My Best&Your Best

I chose folling blogs from our class (・ω・)ノシ

1st◇Like A Candy by Chisaki
Her blog has a lot of good pictures and useful informations.
She must has a sense of design something! I learned some ideas of customizing from her blog.
I love hers very much. If you have not seen it yet, please check it right know!

2st◆DOOOOOON! by Mai
This blog is simple so everyone can see it easy. My bloge is not like it. It has too much writting.
Her blogs not only simple but also cuter! I want to say her "Simple is the best"!!
She will give you many interesting informations.

3st◇Chiiiii* by Chiaki

She wrote a lot but all informations are useful for you.
She chose nice pictures too. I want to go to place her introduced.
You can not miss it!

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